Monday, January 6, 2014

Greenhouses Domes as Portable Hydroponic Food Systems

Got Produce ™ is an organization that is striving to bring food back to the way it should be; accessible, healthy and local. Among many other worthy programs, they have employed a Pacific Domes greenhouse dome, or Grow Dome, to develop a complete sustainable way of local food manufacturing.
 Their greenhouse domes use advanced hydroponic food systems to produce food in any climate. Not too familiar with hydroponic gardening systems? Got Produce ™ has even developed an iPhone app to regulate the internal climate of the dome. “The Grow Dome is about 1000 ft2 and can produce about 900 heads of lettuce and about 400 lbs. of tomatoes and peppers, per month. It is perfect for local farmers markets or those who would like to grow their own fresh food without worry of GMO’s or pesticides.” Pacific Domes is proud to show their support for such an honorable organization.

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